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Conf-driven Traveling✈️

May 10, 2023

Photo by <a href="">Anete Lūsiņa</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>
Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

Sign up for a conference, then plan the trip

If you are a tech person such as a programmer, and if you like to go somewhere but you always hesitate planning trips, why not sign up for a programming conference first? You will get a huge driver to travel there. No need to choose where to go. Just search a conference that will be held soon, or whose CfP is open if you want to attend it as a speaker. You will have excellent experiences wherever you go.

My case

I often take part in PyCons (Python conferences).

Last year, I visited Dublin for EuroPython 2022 (this article) and traveled UK and Germany after that.

At this very moment when I'm writing this, I am traveling European cities starting from Berlin for PyCon DE & PyData Berlin 2023 and it will end in Vilnius where I will attend PyCon LT 2023. I'm visiting several cities in 4 weeks between the conferences, sometimes exploring the cities and sometimes working remotely.

My talk at PyCon DE 2023 I had a presentation at PyCon DE 2023.

Then traveled around European cities.

Unlike academic conferences, there are normally no restrictions on posting a proposal about the same topic to multiple Python conferences. So I have submitted the proposal to other PyCons, then I will have more chances to travel if it is accepted!


There are some bonuses if you take this strategy.

  • You will have local friends at the conference.
    Many conferences have social events where attendees can meet each other. You can also talk to speakers after their presentations, chat with other attendees at lunch or coffee break, or attend sponsors' booths. If you would attend the conference as a (beginner) speaker, joining a mentorship program or speaker workshops is also a good chance to meet the community members.
    At the first place, building the community is one main goal of the conference of course. For travelers, in addition, making local friends is a good way to get to know the city and get involved into there. Going local restaurants or bars with them is a wonderful experience.
  • Some conferences provide Financial Aid Programs. It will cover (some amount of) your travel expenses, accommodation, and/or a ticket. If you find a conference to go, check if it has the program.
  • In most conferences, the ticket includes lunch and coffee break. You don't have to worry about where to eat. You can focus on the conference and enjoy the lunch with other attendees. In addition, if you are a speaker, most conferences will provide a free ticket.

Wrap up

What you have to do is simple.

  1. Search a conference that will be held soon, or whose CfP is open.
  2. Buy a ticket or submit a proposal.

Then do all the remaining stuff automatically, such as booking the flight and the hotel!

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Yuichiro Tachibana (Tsuchiya)

Software Developer/Indie Dev/OSS Lover
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